Saturday, January 18, 2014


1/18/2014 06:21:00 AM

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Chihuahua is the smallest of all dog breeds, named after state of mexico Chihuahua.Chihuahua dogs have a variety of sizes, head shapes, colors and coat lengths.Their are two main varieties short haired and long haired.

Country of origin: Mexico
Height Male 6–10 inches
                Female 6–10 inches
Weight Male 4-10 pounds
                Female 4-10 pounds
Color white, black, tan and many other colors
Coat         smooth or long haired
Litter size usually 2-5
Life span         15-20 years

 Chihuahua Dog Photos

Chihuahua Dog

Chihuahua Dog

Chihuahua Dog
Chihuahua Dog

 Chihuahua Puppies

Chihuahua Puppy

Chihuahua Puppy



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